Révélé en 2018 avec sa mixtape Moon By Island Gardens, Kyle Miller aka Aeris Roves est le dernier représentant d’une néo-soul made in UK. Installé dans le Sud de Londres après avoir quitté son Yorkshire natal, le britannique de 21 ans élabore des compositions addictives imprégnées du r’n’b des années 90. Aux productions minimalistes s’ajoute un chant puissant et mélancolique qui révèle tout le talent d’Aeris Rove. Le single « Don’t Ask » en est le parfait exemple.


Kyle Miller aka Aeris Roves is the latest British neo-soul offering who revealed his mixtape Moon By Island Gardens to the world in 2018. Since leaving his native Yorkshire, the 21-year-old Brit has now made south London his home, bringing his addictive sounds filled with 90s R&B vibes with him. His minimalist productions are the perfect backdrop to his powerful, melancholic voice which is proof of Aeris Rove’s talent. Simply listen to Don’t Ask and you’ll be in awe.